Review: Golden by Jessi Kirby

Title Golden Author Jessi Kirby Published May 14th 2013 by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Pages 278 Pages Intended Target Audience Young Adult Genre & Keywords Contemporary, Mystery, Coming of Age, Romance Part of a Series? No Source & Format Purchased from Chapters, Hardcover Find It On Goodreads ● ● Chapters Synopsis

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Review: Almost Perfect by Susan Mallery

Title Almost Perfect Author Susan Mallery Published June 29th, 2010 by HQN Books Pages 379 Pages Intended Target Audience Adult Genre & Keywords Contemporary, Romance, Small Town, Family, Secret Baby Part of a Series? Yes (Book 2 in the Fool’s Gold series) Source & Format Purchased from, eBook Find It On Goodreads ●

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Waiting On…The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder

“Waiting on Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine! This week I’m waiting on… Title The Museum of Intangible Things Author Wendy Wunder Pages 304 Pages Genre Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Romance Publisher Razorbill To Be Published April 10th, 2014 Find It On Goodreads ● Loyalty. Envy. Obligation. Dreams. Disappointment.

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Top Ten Words/Topics That Will Deter You From Reading A Book

“Top Ten Tuesday” is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is the Top Ten Words/Topics That Will Deter You From Reading A Book. As always, these choices are listed in no particular order. 1) Cancer While I’ve specifically chosen ‘cancer’, in reality this could easily

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Do! Judge A Book By Its Cover – Issue One: Contemporary

“Do! Judge A Book By Its Cover” is a semi-regular feature on Pop! Goes The Reader inspired by Katie’s feature Cover Love on her blog One Page At A Time. The idea is being used with her gracious permission. I think we’re all familiar with the age-old adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.

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Hi! I’m Jen! I’m a thirty-something introvert who loves nothing more than the cozy comfort of home and snuggling my two rescue cats, Pepper and Pancakes. I also enjoy running, jigsaw puzzles, baking and everything Disney. Few things bring me more joy than helping a reader find the right book for them!
