Exclusive Cover Reveal: Ghosts of Gastown by Jessica Renwick

About Jessica Renwick

Jessica Renwick is the award-winning author of the Starfell series for kids ages 9-12. She dove into the world of writing fiction as a preteen and never looked back. Naturally, this led to a career as a library assistant, and her first middle-grade book, The Book of Chaos, was published in 2018. She lives with her husband, two dogs, a flock of backyard chickens, and an enchanted garden in Alberta, Canada.

Author Links: WebsiteInstagramGoodreads

When my partner and I signed up for a walking tour of the Gastown area of Vancouver (Canada), I had no idea it would spark the inspiration for this spooky tale. My mom grew up in Vancouver, so I have always visited my family there often, but I had never done much delving into its history until then. The cobblestone streets, red brick buildings, glowing steam clock, and the lights that give the city streets a magical twinkle sank us into our guide’s haunting tales — and stayed with me long after as a place for Hope’s story to grow.

As much as Gastown is the perfect setting for Victorian ghosts, wayward sea creatures, and all things that go bump — or cry out — in the night, it’s also a place that fosters creativity and growth. Crystal shops and outdoor symphonies. Cozy book stores and outdoor cafés. The heartbeat of the city, and a place someone could go to start a new life. Which is exactly what Hope and her mom are doing. And with the help of a strange boy and his ghostly cat, maybe Gastown will become the first place Hope has been able to call home.

If they can save it from paranormal destruction, of course.

I’m so excited to share this fantastic cover with you all! Thanks to my publisher, Great Plains Press, and Relish Design for bringing these characters to life. Well, except for Hex, who’s just fine with making the cover in her spirit form. She’s happiest like this anyway, being able to haunt the crystal shop. It’s much easier to get into mischief when almost nobody can see her. I hope you love this cover as much as I do, and if you’d like to get the know these characters better, the book is available for preorder now and there is an eARC available on Edelweiss.

Thanks for celebrating this lovely cover with me today!


Cover design by Relish Design

Title Ghosts of Gastown
Authors Jessica Renwick
Target Audience Middle Grade
Publication Date October 22nd 2024 in Canada and December 3rd 2024 in America by Great Plains Press
Find It On GoodreadsAmazonChaptersBlackwell’sBarnes & NobleIndieBound

Twelve-year-old Hope Graves can see the dead. But nobody believes her. Not even her best friend.

Committed to leaving unhappy memories behind them, Hope and her mom move to the Gastown area of Vancouver, Canada. Once they arrive, Gastown isn’t exactly as Hope imagined. Their ancient apartment sits over a weird crystal shop, she misses her dad, and ghosts lurk around every corner. The worst part? The strange boy whose parents own the shop can see spirits too, and he won’t stop bugging her about it.

Hope tries to avoid Oliver, but when a ghost appears in her bedroom with a haunting plea, he’s the only person she can turn to for help. Trying to banish the spirit only leads them down a twisted path far more dangerous than any ghost. Something is hunting the souls of Gastown, and it’s closing in on its next victim.

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Hi! I’m Jen! I’m a thirty-something introvert who loves nothing more than the cozy comfort of home and snuggling my two rescue cats, Pepper and Pancakes. I also enjoy running, jigsaw puzzles, baking and everything Disney. Few things bring me more joy than helping a reader find the right book for them!
