45 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books: July-September 2024

Today’s post is sponsored by Sally J. Pla and Invisible Isabel! Title Invisible Isabel Author Sally J. Pla Intended Target Audience Middle Grade Publication Date July 9th 2024 by Quill Tree Books Find It On Goodreads ● Amazon ● Chapters ● Blackwell’s ● Barnes & Noble ● IndieBound From award-winning author Sally J. Pla comes

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52 Most-Anticipated Young Adult Books: July-September 2024

Today’s post is sponsored by Khadijah VanBrakle and Fatima Tate Takes The Cake! Title Fatima Tate Takes The Cake Author Khadijah VanBrakle Intended Target Audience Young Adult Publication Date June 13th 2023 by Holiday House Find It On Goodreads ● Amazon ● Chapters ● The Book Depository ● Barnes & Noble ● IndieBound Fatima Tate

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Interview: Jennifer Torres, Author of Vega’s Piece Of The Sky

Please Note: I received a digital review copy of Vega’s Piece Of The Sky and was monetarily compensated in exchange for composing and hosting an interview with the author. This compensation in no way affected my opinions. Title Vega’s Piece of the Sky Author Jennifer Torres Intended Target Audience Middle Grade Genre Contemporary, Realistic Fiction

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Hi! I’m Jen! I’m a thirty-something introvert who loves nothing more than the cozy comfort of home and snuggling my two rescue cats, Pepper and Pancakes. I also enjoy running, jigsaw puzzles, baking and everything Disney. Few things bring me more joy than helping a reader find the right book for them!
